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Kevin Flanagan, Dima Damen, Michael Wray

University of Bristol

Left: We generate training examples from videos with rough timestamps of narrations by artificially merging clips to provide a contrastive signal. Right: At test time, CliMer can perform temporal grounding in long, dense videos.


The onset of long-form egocentric datasets such as Ego4D and EPIC-Kitchens presents a new challenge for the task of Temporal Sentence Grounding (TSG). Compared to traditional benchmarks on which this task is evaluated, these datasets offer finer-grained sentences to ground in notably longer videos. In this paper, we develop an approach for learning to ground sentences in these datasets using only narrations and their corresponding rough narration timestamps. We propose to artificially merge clips to train for temporal grounding in a contrastive manner using text-conditioning attention. This Clip Merging (CliMer) approach is shown to be effective when compared with a high performing TSG method—e.g. mean R@1 improves from 3.9 to 5.7 on Ego4D and from 10.7 to 13.0 on EPIC-Kitchens. Code and data splits available from:





Code, Data Splits and Features

The code, dataset splits and links for features can be found here


    author    ={Flanagan, Kevin and Damen, Dima and Wray, Michael},
    title     ={Learning Temporal Sentence Grounding From Narrated EgoVideos},
    booktitle ={British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
    year      ={2023}


K Flanagan is supported by UKRI (Grant ref EP/S022937/1) CDT in Interactive AI & Qinetiq Ltd via studentship CON11954. D Damen is supported by EPSRC Fellowship UMPIRE (EP/T004991/1) & EPSRC Program Grant Visual AI (EP/T028572/1)